How to Find Love on the Busiest Dating Day of the Year: Buckle Up for 'Dating Sunday' 2024

January 7th or 'Dating Sunday' is considered to be 'The Black Friday of online dating.'
What is Dating Sunday? Research shows a significant increase in dating app usage and Google searches on 'How to Find Love' on the first Sunday of the year, and this trend is continuing to rise. With more than 50% of singles having dating-focused resolutions for 2024, Sunday January 7th (specifically, between the hours of 8pm-10pm) is the new Dating Olympics for those seriously searching for love.
With an estimated 65% increase in new singles joining dating app platforms and an expected 20% increase in matches, the pressure is on.
So how do you stand out from the crowd and maximise your chances of finding the proverbial needle in the haystack?
Here are our top tips to make the most of Dating Sunday.
1. Make Sure That You're 'Ready'
There can be a lot of pressure that comes with the hype of the New Year, so first and foremost, it's vital for us to take time to ensure that we feel that we are truly ready to date. Don't feel 'obliged' to find a partner because of pressure from friends or family, or because of pressure from social media.
It can be difficult to know when you're ready to date again, especially after a breakup or lots of time alone. Reflecting on past relationships, identifying your goals and values, and having personal passions and hobbies are signs you're ready.
If you talk about your ex a lot, or tend to use dating apps to escape feelings of loneliness, then you nay need more time to heal before you start looking for a new long-term relationship.
With each and every dating experience - the good, bad, and downright ugly - we learn a little more about not just the dating game but also ourselves - and the good news is, that this can make us less likely to repeat the same mistakes that we made before.
2. Find the Right Dating App
If you go looking for the love of your life in a circus, you’re very likely to find clowns (and other animals…)!
This is a no-brainer, and of course – we’re going to be biased. But If you’re truly serious, and looking for someone to join you as part of your life’s journey (no pressure..) then you simply have to choose the right dating app to maximise your chances of doing just that.
Being in the right place is also about your mind-set. If you go into the process thinking that dating for the first time after a while will be terrible, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You have to be in it to win it. And dating is a game that can be won, if you invest your time wisely and follow some simple rules.
Some dating platforms require more legwork, so do your research. If there’s a low barrier to entry, you’re bound to get a mix of everyone – and that can pose its own risks. While it’s not an absolute guarantee, a dating app with more hoop-jumping due to the level of detail required, verification, and any checks and balances to protect the safety of its users, tending to weed out those people looking for less serious connections.
3. Invest Time in your Dating Profile
Tweaking your profile can open the door to countless new matches. So, prior to Dating Sunday itself, it's time to have some fun taking and choosing new photos, writing some carefully considered details about yourself, and ensuring that your profile is an accurate representation of you.
Obviously, physical attraction is an important aspect of relationships - especially online, when you can't yet use your charms to win over romantic matches as easily. But aside from choosing attractive photos of yourself, you want to show off your interests, too.
Whatever it is you like about yourself, or whatever you love to do, make sure other people can see it, too. If you don't know what your strengths are, then why not ask a friend? The more details you share about yourself, the better: dating app users who complete their bios in full experience a 40% increase in the average number of matches.
Above all, your motto when refreshing your profile for Dating Sunday should be to stand out. People can fall into a kind of swiping hypnosis on dating apps, so your profile needs to break their pattern and capture their attention. Use your unique qualities to your advantage!
4. Choose Quality Over Quantity
The turbulent nature of the past few years has caused single people to reflect on who they are and what they really want out of a partner. This is great news, as daters have become more thoughtful and intentional about who they aspire to meet. That means focusing on quality over quantity this Dating Sunday and beyond, with meaningful connections favoured over situationships or shallow hook-ups.
It can be easy to get sidetracked by sex and flattery. But it’s important that you begin with the end in mind. So if you want to meet people with a view to eventually being in a relationship; someone who you want to raise children and build a solid future with, be decisive – and decline those people who are not a fit. Slow down, take a serious look at your compatibility, attachment type and long term goal alignment.
5. Be Brave
It's Dating Sunday, and the competition is fierce. So now is not the time to sit back and wait for a match you’re interested in to message you first. Acting mysterious simply doesn't work, and just wastes people's time.
While you're playing it cool by waiting an hour to respond, ten other people could grab their attention. Experts also recommend asking a question or commenting on a profile detail rather than a simple “Hey!” - which, let's face it, isn't exactly stand-out. Try to elevate yourself above the competition.
6. Take Rejection on the Chin
Rejection hurts. And therefore, it might be a tough sell to say that it is in fact, a gift in disguise - but it's true.
Many people get anxious about rejection, but rejection it actually prevents you from devoting time to someone who isn’t interested, which frees you up to engage with someone who is. In the same way that not everyone is for you, you’re not for everyone - and that’s absolutely fine!
You yourself will swipe left and un-match people, and it might not be anything personal; maybe they’ve listed that they have five cats and you’re far from being an animal lover, or perhaps there's something about them that reminds you of your boss or your ex?! Remember that most of the time when people reject you, it’s not personal either, so don’t take it to heart.
So embrace Dating Sunday and the promise that the month of January holds for your future. and remember that - even if you don't find a match - there will still be many keen singles still waiting when Monday rolls around.
Go into 2024 with positivity and good intentions, and take ownership of your future by making smart, intentional choices when it comes to dating.
Be brave. After all, there's nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain.
Want a harmonious psychological relationship? There has never been a better time to date more intelligently.
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