Looking for Love? Why Relationships Are More Likely to Blossom in the Springtime

Endorphins spark this season, making us more open to bright, new relationships.
Traditionally, most people set start looking for love at the beginning of the year, right after they set those New Year’s resolutions. Everything Mother Nature points to lets us know why Spring is the best season to find love.
Nature itself is all around us, telling us that this is the time for connection, growth and change. Days become warmer and longer, and our window of opportunity widens.
Here are some of the reasons why Springtime can boost your chances of finding long lasting love.
New season = fresh start
It’s easy to be tempted to go back to your ex when it’s freezing outside and they're only one WhatsApp message away. But when the rain stops and the sun starts to shine, we are also more inclined to feel the need to let go of the past - and start something new.
There’s something reinvigorating about the first days of spring. As the flowers start to bloom, there’s an urge to shed off the old and start something new. Spring is the perfect time for cleansing your life of bad dating habits and starting fresh again.
Longer days, brighter outlook
The sunny days of spring are good for the plants, good for the flowers - and even better for getting out there and dating.
Your romantic escapades no longer need to be restricted to the stuffy indoor heating of cinemas and restaurants, no: in springtime, more sunshine means more opportunities to meet outdoors and go on picnics, hikes, and long walks to absolutely nowhere.
And besides being good for your love life, the sun is good for your health and levels of positivity, too. In fact, 90% of the average person’s vitamin D comes from natural exposure to the sun.
No more coughs and colds
Nothing puts the brakes on a romantic evening quite as efficiently as sniffles, sneezes and streaming sinuses.
It's scientifically proven that flu germs are such a menace in the winter, but happy to leave you alone come spring. The flu virus thrives in cold and dry weather, so there's no wonder that you might suddently just feel 'better' once the weather notches up by a few degrees, leaving those germs behind.
Less illness is also great for your love life. With warmer weather and weaker viruses, spring is a great time for serious dating. Best of all, in springtime you can be sure that that rosy glow caressing the face of your loved one is the blush of love, not fever.
Melatonin, down. Serotonin (and romance), up!
During the dark days of winter, the human brain becomes a hive of melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone that promotes sleep and feelings of lethargy.
That's where serotonin comes in. While springtime levels of melatonin are falling, the hormone serotonin is shooting up - and that's a truly great thing.
Once spring comes, serotonin stops hibernating, and that’s great if you're looking for love. A study published in Biological Psychiatry found that serotonin can make a person more receptive to intimacy, and more eager to be part of an interdependent relationship.
The study asked participants to look at photos of couples, and rate their apparent closeness; test subjects with lowered serotonin tended to underestimate the intimacy pictured in the photos, leading researchers to the conclusion that the known correlation between low serotonin and aggressive behavior might manifest as romantic reluctance. Luckily for springtime lovebirds, more serotonin just might mean a more satisfied significant other.
No wonder, then, that less melatonin and boosted serotonin in the spring means newly energetic hormones and a flutter of seasonal flirtation. This springtime burst of energy might be just the motivation to hop off the couch and take a chance on love.
We simply feel better
When the sun starts to shine, the world feels brighter and so does our mood. Springtime makes us want to leave our house, show off our lovely floral dresses, go on adventures with people and see what the community as a whole is up to.
And when we feel better, we feel more confident. It’s not just because we’re finally out of our heavy jumpers and layers of winter clothing; it's because we're over the darker months, and feel a spring in our step: that means that we're inclined to go out on more dates.
That spring glow looks good on everyone, and more daylight gives us a renewed energy that makes us feel ready to get off our phones and get out into the real world instead.
The emerging springtime brings out the best in us, and that’s one of the reasons why dating is so much easier and more fulfilling at this time of year.
While we might have been tempted to have more 'Netflix & chill' nights with our dates when it was cold outside, as the temperatures rise, so does our desire for a relationship.
Endorphins spark as the sun comes out, making us happier in general and more open to the possibility of a relationship.
The newness of spring provides an ideal context for this: the changing weather and sunshine energises us.
We've survived winter and now it's time to get out there, find the future we deserve and have fun in the process!
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